Please note that most of the answers to parents’ questions can be found on our website under “Kindergarten”!
Deviations due to Covid-19 are possible.
No, your child does not need to speak German upon admission to kindergarten. Knowledge of German is an advantage, but not necessary. Kindergarten children learn German during their kindergarten years – in addition, there are support programs for non-native speakers. Please also read the kindergarten’s DaF concept (German as a Foreign Language):
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We accept children from the age of 3 years. We do not run a nursery or similar.
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The current fees for kindergarten and school can be found at the following link:
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You can find the info about the kindergarten here:
Registration forms and fees can be found here:
You are also welcome to call us directly at +974 44516836 or send an email to:
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In principle, yes, if there are enough places available. Please contact the school and kindergarten office directly: or +974 44516836.
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Settling-in to life at kindergarten is a very individual process and depends on how the child responds. Usually this settling-in takes between one and three weeks. The parent or guardian can be reached by telephone at any time, and the child can rely on being picked up at the agreed time. The settling-in phase is completed when the child has been able to establish a relationship with the teacher at kindergarten.
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We pay attention to a healthy diet to the extent possible for us within the framework of the daily kindergarten routine. Please only give your children a healthy breakfast (no bread with Nutella spread, chocolate bars, or cookies). We offer the children water as a beverage. Each child has a water bottle that can be refilled at the water fountains as needed. We would like to point out that, as a matter of principle, no sweets should be given to the kindergarten children. Exceptions to this rule occur on certain occasions such as birthdays, candy day or small celebrations.
We have a “no nuts policy” at kindergarten. Children under the age of six should not eat nuts or almonds. They can easily enter the respiratory tract when nibbled, causing acute choking. Furthermore, there are many children in kindergarten who are allergic to nuts.
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Our playgrounds are covered. The children spend most of their time in the shade. However, there are also open-air play activities (e.g. scooter rides or gymnastics on the lawn). Therefore, the children should come to the kindergarten in the warm season with sunscreen on. Many children sweat under their caps and do not like to wear them, so we do not require the children to wear caps.
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There are water dispensers throughout the school where children can fill up their water bottles. Juice is not prohibited at school, but is considered a sweet from a nutritional point of view, since even unsweetened juice often has a very high fructose content. Juice is not a thirst quencher, so we recommend that children drink water instead of juice!
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At kindergarten, we take various day trips. In order for your child to participate in these outings, parents must sign a consent form. You can find more information on page 3 on the >registration form.
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Yes, there is a nap room for children who need to sleep.
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Yes, the children require house shoes when they are in kindergarten. These shoes should allow them to move easily during play and gymnastics.
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Written communication between parents and educators takes place via the HPI Cloud (or in some cases still via Edmodo). Furthermore, all group educators have an e-mail address (Surname.First These can be found on the website.
- E-mail address of the school:
- E-mail address of the kindergarten management:
- E-mail address reception
(or contact form on the website)
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Each educator has an office hour once a week. The teachers can be contacted by e-mail. It is also possible to ask the educator for an appointment during drop-off and pick-up time, or to have a short conversation.
>Contact details
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If your child is sick or unwell, he/she should stay home.
- For example, in case of:
- Fever (temperature higher than 37.5 °C)
- Diarrhea and nausea (currently or twice within the last 24 hours)
- Runny nose (i.e. purulent rhinitis) Crusted, watery eyes
- Sore throat or persistent cough
- Constant itching and scratching of the skin or rash.
Only when children stay home with these symptoms can we prevent infection of the other children and the educators. Contagious diseases of the child or family members (e.g. measles, mumps, scarlet fever, rubella, chicken pox, whooping cough, diphtheria, Covid-19, etc.) must be reported to the kindergarten. In this case, attending kindergarten is not permitted. We have a policy of not administering medication except in special cases and only with a doctor’s certificate and a power of attorney from the parents. Please pay attention to the vaccination protection of your child.
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All kindergarten children whose first language is not German receive German as a Foreign Language (DaF) lessons in addition to the everyday integrated language support in the kindergarten groups. The kindergarten DaF concept can be downloaded from the website: >Download
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Each group has a set breakfast & lunch time (see daily schedule).
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Each child has an individual bag with a change of clothes. Toys are not allowed at kindergarten. However, a stuffed animal can be brought as part of the settling-in phase or for naps, since these sorts of toys can serve as an important emotional release for some children.
Children must be able to use the restroom independently when they enter kindergarten.
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For hygienic reasons, each child needs a personal blanket and pillow.
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The external company “STEM xplorers” offers “afternoon activities” at our school, which can be booked for a fee.
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There is one development discussion per year, during which the parents are comprehensively informed by the group educators about the development of their child (Ravensburg Development Questionnaire, Ravensburger Entwicklungsbogen). If there is a need to discuss an issue, additional parent meetings can be arranged at any time. At the end of the last year of kindergarten before entering 1st grade, an additional parent meeting is held with the preschool director.
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English lessons in kindergarten are not provided. Since most children have sufficient English language opportunities outside of kindergarten, the focus in kindergarten is on learning German. At school, English is taught starting in 1st grade.
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See our daily schedule in kindergarten (above)
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Yes, each child should bring a change of clothes from home, which we will hang on the child’s hook in the cloakroom.
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Birthdays are celebrated in the kindergarten in their individual groups. The children may bring a cake or snacks. Exact details can be discussed with the group educator a few days before. Since the children eat enough sweets on birthdays, bringing “goodie bags” to kindergarten is not allowed.
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We carefully prepare the children for their transition from kindergarten to school. In order to ensure a smooth transition, an age-appropriate program is offered for these children as part of the cooperation with the elementary school. This program is conducted by a kindergarten teacher and a teacher from the elementary school. The children meet once a week for a complete morning in a special “Vorschule” room. The room is set up similar to a school classroom. The morning is structured based on a school day. School rituals are practiced in a playful way. We work closely with the elementary school and provide our children with targeted support in various areas of competence during their last year of kindergarten. The kindergarten teacher has the opportunity to promote and support the child more intensively in his or her individual development in the small group. In the second half of the year, further interesting activities take place for the children in Vorschule. By observing a lesson at school, they become familiar with the routine of a school lesson and break. In the last three months, the Vorschule children spend a break together with the elementary school students. Each child receives a mentor starting in 1st grade who accompanies them through the school on this day.
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According to the German school system, children learn literacy or reading and writing in 1st grade. In Vorschule, the basics principles and competencies are acquired in preparation for school. For example:
- Perception training
- Gross and fine motor skills (e.g., tying a bow, holding a pencil correctly, etc.)
- Creativity
- Social-emotional competencies
- Increasing concentration skills
- Cognitive skills and logical thinking
- Early Mathematicsematical skills e.g. numbers and understanding of quantities
- Cultural sensitivity and world knowledge
- Learning strategies and independent work
- Linguistic competencies and text comprehension e.g. understanding and reproducing the content of stories, recognizing rhymes and accents, etc.
- Literacy (dealing with language and writing) e.g. handling books, getting to know characters and letters etc.)
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For Vorschule, children need a binder for filing worksheets (about 8cm thick) and a pencil case with writing utensils, scissors, glue, and 20 plastic sheet protectors.
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A school readiness test is administered each semester. When a child is ready for school, there is a recommendation for school. Each child develops at his or her own pace. If a child is not ready for school entry based on his or her development, the kindergarten will recommend spending an additional year in kindergarten to ensure a successful start to school. Such a recommendation is made jointly by the Vorschule teacher, the elementary school teacher and the group educator to the best of their pedagogical knowledge. Parents are involved in advance as part of a parent meeting.
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During the cooler months, the children spend their breaks in our spacious outdoor area. The kindergarten children regularly go to the playground. During the summer months, when it is too hot to play outside, ample opportunities for exercise are provided inside the school.
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We carefully prepare the children for their transition from kindergarten to school. In order to ensure a smooth transition, an age-appropriate program is offered for these children as part of the cooperation with the elementary school. This program is conducted by a kindergarten teacher and a teacher from the elementary school. The children meet once a week for a complete morning in a special “Vorschule” room. The room is set up similar to a school classroom. The morning is structured based on a school day. School rituals are practiced in a playful way. We work closely with the elementary school and provide our children with targeted support in various areas of competence during their last year of kindergarten. The kindergarten teacher has the opportunity to promote and support the child more intensively in his or her individual development in the small group. In the second half of the year, further interesting activities take place for the children in Vorschule. By observing a lesson at school, they become familiar with the routine of a school lesson and break. In the last three months, the Vorschule children spend a break together with the elementary school students. Each child receives a mentor starting in 1st grade who accompanies them through the school on this day.
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According to the German school system, children learn literacy or reading and writing in 1st grade. In Vorschule, the basics principles and competencies are acquired in preparation for school. For example:
- Perception training
- Gross and fine motor skills (e.g., tying a bow, holding a pencil correctly, etc.)
- Creativity
- Social-emotional competencies
- Increasing concentration skills
- Cognitive skills and logical thinking
- Early Mathematicsematical skills e.g. numbers and understanding of quantities
- Cultural sensitivity and world knowledge
- Learning strategies and independent work
- Linguistic competencies and text comprehension e.g. understanding and reproducing the content of stories, recognizing rhymes and accents, etc.
- Literacy (dealing with language and writing) e.g. handling books, getting to know characters and letters etc.)
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For Vorschule, children need a binder for filing worksheets (about 8cm thick) and a pencil case with writing utensils, scissors, glue, and 20 plastic sheet protectors.
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A school readiness test is administered each semester. When a child is ready for school, there is a recommendation for school. Each child develops at his or her own pace. If a child is not ready for school entry based on his or her development, the kindergarten will recommend spending an additional year in kindergarten to ensure a successful start to school. Such a recommendation is made jointly by the Vorschule teacher, the elementary school teacher and the group educator to the best of their pedagogical knowledge. Parents are involved in advance as part of a parent meeting.
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Written communication between parents and educators takes place via the HPI Cloud (or in some cases still via Edmodo). Furthermore, all group educators have an e-mail address (Surname.First These can be found on the website.
- E-mail address of the school:
- E-mail address of the kindergarten management:
- E-mail address reception
(or contact form on the website)
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Each educator has an office hour once a week. The teachers can be contacted by e-mail. It is also possible to ask the educator for an appointment during drop-off and pick-up time, or to have a short conversation.
>Contact details
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